Full Background and Experience Breakdown!

Hi everyone! In this page I dive into some of the details of the work I've been doing and my portfolio projects. I'll go through each project and explain the technologies I used, and my journey through each project. Please check out my resume linked above for more information!

Short & Sweet

Full Stack Developer with real world experience using React, Vue, CSS and multiple other frontend technologies plus a background in strength & conditioning coaching. As a kid I was in love with science and technology and that enthusiasm fell off when I started studying computer science in college. After a year hiatus from higher education I decided to give coding another shot. My experience in strength programming lent itself to immersion in Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, React and Redux. Meanwhile my experience in building client relationships evokes relentless drive to problem solve. I have since applied these skills to my role as a frontend developer at Tango Analytics, fullstack engineer doing freelance and now hope to bring my skills to another company to grow and learn more!

Professional Development Experience

OFTV LGTV & Vue Developer

Technologies: JavaScript, VueJS, HTML, CSS, Figma, Asana, Zype, WordPress API

  • Singlehandedly built the LGTV version of the OFTV smart TV Application
  • Utilized Figma design to replicate the design of the other of.tv app versions
  • Gathered all app and video data using the Zype and WordPress API
  • Co-searched for LGTV Tester with Head of HR Alyssa Gomez at Goyk Productions
  • Live tested with tester to find and fix LGTV App bugs
  • Built key components (navbar, footer, desktop/mobile/tablet view) for new OFTV website using the same design as of.tv
  • Checked in with Goyk Productions Dev Team weekly on Mondays, Tuesdays and as requested
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Ourmada Fullstack Developer

Technologies: JavaScript, TypeScript, NodeJS, NextJS, CSS, MongoDB

  • Singlehandedly built the frontend based on the provided Figma Design using ReactJS and NextJS
  • Currently building out Backend using NodeJS and MongoDB
  • Have completed tasks based on sprint sheets and figma
  • Continuously update Richard via Discord
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Tango Analytics

Technologies: JavaScript, VueJS 2.0 & 3.0, TypeScript, Quasar v1.0 - v2.0, HTML, CSS, Jira

  • Started as an Intern and was promoted to Jr. Frontend Developer
  • Self taught myself 3 modern frontend frameworks VueJS, Quasar, and TypeScript
  • Utilized these tools to spearhead the tango platform migration project, updating the app from Vue 2.0 and Quasar v1 to Vue 3.0 and Quasar v2
  • Utilized the platform Jira to work on support tickets submitted by clients and QA team
  • Added Quasar components and animations once migration project was complete

Upwork Freelance Work

This is a section for the rest of the projects I've done on Upwork.

Technologies: JavaScript, AWS, Gatsby, NextJS, NodeJS, ReactJS, StorybookJS, HTML, CSS


  • Instant Conversion Calculator
  • Built a calculator for engineers with special conversion buttons!
  • Storybook Data Sort
  • Built an app that takes an Object or Array and custom sorts it!
  • ReactJS / NextJS Developer with AWS Knowledge
  • Alonso wanted some help building a portfolio project and asked me to pair program with him!
  • Hotel Booking Application w/ StorybookJS
  • Nia needed help building out a Hotel Booking app for a project using ReactJS and StoryBookJS
  • NextJS App Prototype Development
  • This was my initial short term project for Ourmada. I singlehandedly started building the frontend UI and optimized the backend for birth of Ourmada

Personal Portfolio Projects

TikTok Clone

Technologies: JavaScript, ReactJS, React-Native, HTML, CSS, Firebase

  • Mimicked the same popular UI used by TikTok Desktop by utilizing CSS and flex box styling
  • Established and connected a firebase backend that works seamlessly with the frontend code
  • Built lightning quick UI using ReactJS, MaterialUI and FontAwesome

CoinDesk BPI Tool

Technologies: JavaScript, ReactJS, Redux, HTML, CSS, React-Line-Graph, CoinDesk API

  • Created and designed an aesthetic UI using React, HTML and CSS
  • Utilized JS native fetch to make customized calls to the CoinDesk API
  • Created profile page that utilized Redux to handle change in state
  • Generated user-friendly and variable graphs that included a hover on point function using react-line-graph npm

Technologies: JavaScript, ReactJS, HTML, CSS, Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL

  • The app I submitted to graduate from the FullStack Software Engineering Program at the FlatIron School
  • My first Full Stack app utilizing a Rails & postgreSQL backend and a React frontend
  • A food diary meant to help users track their macros and food!